“I need, Don Corleone, all of those politicians
that you carry around in your pocket, like so
many nickels and dimes.” – Al Lettieri as Virgil “The
Turk” Sollozzo in “The Godfather” (1972)
Real-life “Godfather” George
Soros pulls many nefarious strings. He bankrolls Black
Lives Matter chaos and violence. He was also behind
pro-amnesty lobbyists supporting Marco
Rubio's failed “Gang of Eight” legislation. Indeed, this
unelected, anti-American kingmaker needs figureheads to do his
bidding. In this regard, corrupt two-faced
Hillary is his primary political
puppet. She's his MSM
propped up Darth Vader; he's her emperor of a hoped for
nightmarish, totalitarian one world government.
That means future years of the
poisonous, politically
correct Obama-Clinton doctrine: bold faced lies and anti-law
(anti-police) stances while ignoring the Constitution; crippling
debt, more overspending and government
dependence/expansion/intrusion; open U.S. borders, further
tolerance of illegal migration and radical Islam; a greater influx of
resettled Muslim refugees; and de facto abdication of American power
abroad. Suddenly, the true meaning of Obama's
“transformative” progressivism comes sharply into focus.
To make an analogy, ISIS flourished
when Barack
Obama withdrew U.S. troops without first arranging a status of
forces agreement. Hobbling America creates a similar leadership
vacuum Mr. Soros can step into. In 1998, he tellingly
“The sovereignty of states must be
subordinated to international law and international institutions. We
need some global system of political decision-making.
In short, we need a global society to support our global economy.”
That's the false premise of a bad
actor. If nothing else, feckless and failed
Obama proves the international community is entirely rudderless
without a strong, pro-American values president. Otherwise, there is
no Free World. Therefore, unchecked leftist dictators like
Putin seize Crimea. That's small potatoes to Soros. He's got
America in his sights.
Twitter: @DavidHunterblog