Monday, June 6, 2016

Trump's Revolution: 2016 – 1984 = 1776

“The 2016 election cycle is all about Americans rebelling against those who lied to them and who are exploiting the system. This is Donald Trump’s America. This year is about removing those who caused the problem and starting anew. That is why policy details matter less than the willingness to topple the current establishment... It [is] fight first, sort out [policy details] later.” - The Washington Times's Scot Faulkner

Is Donald Trump a 21st century re-Founding Father of a modern American Revolution? If so, his much maligned temperament—by “friend” Paul Ryan and foe Hillary Clinton alike—reminds one distinctly of Patrick Henry who famously said: “Give me liberty or give me death.” Indeed, in his unconventional candidacy, Mr. Trump is rightfully channeling the discontent of marginalized true-blue Americans (in the vast geographical spaces between “important” coastal urban centers) who don't like faceless mobs waving Mexican flags while burning American ones. Perhaps Mr. Trump should revive the Colonial Gasden flag of the coiled snake on a yellow background proclaiming “Don't tread on me.” These same disregarded voters have fueled Mr. Trump to the Republican nomination—and likely in the future, to the presidency itself.

The galvanized electorate clearly does not want more of the same: the false choice of a polished establishment candidate (with only the distinction of a little “D” or a little “R” by the name), then more business-as-usual. In the last two election cycles, the voters have handed Republicans both houses of Congress: golden opportunities completely squandered. Have they controlled the purse strings? Strike one: Mr. Ryan's minions approved 2 trillion more in deficit spending. Did they repeal Obamacare as promised? That's strike two. More at issue, did they even attempt to rein in a lawless president (whose many scandals, more lies and ultra-constitutional acts make Nixon's wrongdoing look like a child's naughtiness?) That's strike three: game over.

While the know-it-all jet-setters of Hollywood lecture the rest of us on our carbon footprints and “intolerance,” their elitist fellows in New York banking interests have done very well with both Bush and Obama bailouts (funded, naturally, by the forced generosity of the American taxpayer). Indeed, the only thing booming in Mr. Obama's lifeless economy is Wall Street. Therefore, why would any of these cosmopolitan ubanites—or the pampered beltway bandits of Washington D.C.—want an unpredictable outsider beyond their control? That's Mr. Ryan's real beef. His ilk—elitist weasels—desperately want to transform Mr. Trump into a statesman clone, another Mitt Romney failure. (Recall, Mr. Romney—who was smeared in the MSM for giving a guy a noogie in high school—lost his own White House bid precisely because he never would say a contrary word about Mr. Obama). As a result, three million unconvinced Republican voters stayed home. The progressive was reelected; an epic tragedy for the country. One suspects sour grapes (Romney's and the Bush Family's) are the casual factor for the Republican establishment withholding its endorsement. Well, they can keep their highfalutin approval. One suspects populist Mr. Trump doesn't want it, and with the silent majority backing him, it makes no difference.

In this regard, Republican nominee Donald Trump's path to the presidency is as unconventional as his candidacy. While political wonks (not incorrectly) scrutinize electoral maps to see which combination of accrued states lead to the magic 270, the roots of the Trump phenomenon go far deeper than that. It is a natural and necessary tectonic shift upon the political landscape. It will likely realign not only the presidency, but also the other two branches of government. At present, no one of either party is holding anyone accountable for anything. Part of Trump's solution is plainly speaking about the problems that plague our society, which are obvious, and many.

Everyone in this present generation is so conditioned by the importance of not making impolitic statements. Such a trivial concern is equivalent to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic that is America: musicians playing soothing melodies while self-centered political powerbrokers drive the country to absolute economic ruin. Of the oft-mentioned criticism that Donald Trump lacks specific plans, Mr. Faulkner insightfully adds a historical context:

“No policy manifesto or legislation existed [in 1775] when those heroic individuals rose up against a collective evil.”

That was red-coated British Imperialism, quaint by today's standards. For us, today's collective evil is a nefarious combination of red and brownshirts: word-burning political correctness leading inexorably to 1984 style thought-crime, and big government expanding fascists who call themselves progressives, socialists or Democrats. That's why these creatures of Washington actively attack the First and Second Amendments—and ignore the strictures of the Constitution itself. A society's leaders who do not respect law, quash verbalized dissent (under the jackboot of Obama's Orwellian “equality and fairness”) and actively seek to disarm a population ensure one totalitarian voice, theirs. That unchecked voice says anything, and lies with abandon. (Hence the Obama years, also defined by societal chaos and economic downturn.) Progressives don't care about the train wreck of 19 trillion dollar debt. Or 93 million unemployed Americans. Let these uncounted millions ignored even by labor statistics fend for themselves among what's left of overregulated industries and outsourced jobs. While they live in their palatial estates, there are always scraps from the collective table, the public dole or bankruptcy for the rest of us.

Likewise is their blasé attitude about our porous borders. Rest assured, their loved ones are perfectly secure in stretch limousines, gated compounds, and armed security details. Republicans always need low wage gardeners or servants to keep their water glasses full. Likewise, Democrats need a permanent underclass off-the-books voters to keep themselves in office despite the abject failures of their policies. Therefore, the government these Congressional millionaires willfully mismanage works perfectly well for them. What does that leave for the rest of us, specifically those in sanctuary cities, the Kate Steinles of the world? We get porous borders permitting a human flood of the lawless: the potential criminal and/or terrorist hidden among masses of border jumping squatters. And what of these (11 million or 30?) illegal aliens, apparently unable to survive with all the natural advantages of family connections, a common language and culture, and legal employment in their birth country? It is the re-occupation of America by a silent army of invaders without having to fire a single warring shot. Montezuma's re-browning revenge.

America is indeed poised for a reckoning or a rebirth. If Donald Trump is a 21st century Patrick Henry who is Hillary Clinton in the Grand Experiment that is America? She, of Server-gate, is a high-tech Benedict Arnold. Yet, her foreign masters are not the British. They are Communists like the Chinese—fiscal contributors to her money-for-influence “charity”—the Clinton Foundation sham. Mr. Trump's first duty to the country will be thwarting her queenly White House coronation. Hopefully, he will also follow though on his plainly spoken words, and send Mrs. Clinton where all traitors belong:

“I will say this. Hillary has to go to jail. She has to go to jail.”

Twitter: @DavidHunterblog

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