After years of race-baiting (specifically promoting lawlessness, black rage and white guilt), Barack Obama has fostered a culture of minorities as phantom discrimination crybabies—and real-life victimizing bullies. Enter Black Lives Matter, the spawned political demon seed of Mr. Obama and Hillary “scot-free” Clinton. This violent, faceless mob ironically purports to value life, but in actuality is a death cult. Who else but they are famous for the protest slogan: “pigs [cops] in a blanket fry 'em like bacon”?
More recently, these habitual troublemakers blamed the Orlando massacre on whitey. How they conflate Omar Mateen—a wife beating, self-described ISIS-loyal mass murderer—with conservatives is completely insane. To quote their released statement: “Despite the media's framing of this as a terrorist attack, we are very clear this terror is completely homegrown, born from the anti-Black white supremacy, patriarchy and homophobia of the conservative right and of those who would use religious extremism as a weapon to gain power from the rest.” Do these people exist in an illusory reality like “The Martian Chronicles”? Are they perpetual citizens of “The Twilight Zone”?
Exactly who has been U.S. president (technically in charge, but responsible for nothing) for almost eight years? Similarly, what do the faces of Barack Obama's pair of equally radical attorney generals look like? Therefore, how convoluted does one have to be to falsely hold law and procedure bound police (who maintain social order) or Constitution-loving, non-violent tea party types as the “problem” here?
Back to reality, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that those murdered at Pulse were targeted for their skin color, only their sexual orientation. The “undesirable” 49 were preyed upon solely on the basis of the venue: a gay club. Per Omar Mateen's battered ex-wife—and otherwise reported as a Pulse regular—this killer might have also been a closeted homosexual. In any case, what he clearly was is a Sharia-compliant Muslim terrorist. Per that barbaric law, putting homosexuals to death is promoted as the “compassionate” response. (Interestingly, when it comes to Mateen's martyrdom in the name of Allah, Islamic scripture promises “72 virgins” meaning girls or pre-pubescent boys in Paradise: “And there will go round boy-servants of theirs, to serve them as if they were preserved pearls” (Quran 52:24). Suffice it to say, this twisted philosophy of causing the deaths of innocents as a sacrifice to a loving God for the promise of belated sexual gratification is frankly pathological.
The emotionally explosive conflict between Mateen's embrace of a fundamentalist religious doctrine and his likely repressed sexual impulses reasonably explains his motivation. Simply put, personal guilt is psychologically projected onto blameless outsiders with deadly consequences. This holds true historically as well, as homosexuality is apparently widely practiced Islamic countries. Therefore, is it any wonder that conflicted Mateen—an ego-driven agent of radical Islam—made a horrifying example of the Orlando LGBT community? Yet, by any reasonable measure this is not a race issue. Why then is Black Lives Matter involved?
Given the tragic loss of life violently taken, one would wrongly assume BLM to be pro-LGBT in this situation. They aren't. Amazingly, their position defends Islam: “Those who seek to profit from our (?) deaths hope we will forget who our real enemy is, and blame Muslim communities instead.” This despicable sentiment despite the fact that this anarchist group was specifically honored by the organizers of Canada's largest pride parade in Toronto. How did these outspoken supporters of (radical) Islam repay their gracious hosts? These thugs promptly disrupted the proceedings. They also victimized the gay community with a petulant list of demands (quickly acquiesced to). In this way, Black Lives Matter does what it always does: makes circumstances all about itself. These ultra-lefties promote a fascist agenda behind the excuse of advocating for the downtrodden. In other words, they cause the very difficulties they seek to remedy.
Exactly as radical Islam, Black Lives Matter proponents know only force. Hence, their philosophical common ground with the perpetrator of the Orlando killings rather than with its actual victims, the gay community. Neither party respects life or liberty—and blaming innocents is the standard method fueling these twin anti-American scourges.
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