Demonstrating the wisdom of a modern day King Solomon must either be a great gift or a great burden. As Ms. Bruce correctly predicted, my knee-jerk reaction was to join the faceless, nay-saying chorus. Then I realized that she is right. Christians acting out of religious conviction is valid and should be respected even when it is disagreed with. Indeed, no one would force a Jewish organization to serve pork or a Muslim organization to produce images of Mohammad. Politicizing the issue by using the mechanisms of progressive government or the force of law to mandate some artificial, one-size-fits-all, politically correct Orwellian Utopia won’t work. That’s splitting the baby in half: nobody wins. Therefore, when two sets of competing values with equal validity exist the marketplace should determine the results. Simply put, if you don’t like the vendor take your business elsewhere. Nobody is harmed and everyone’s needs are met. No doubt King Solomon would approve. But I suspect Ms. Bruce knew that already.